Dance Ensemble Singapore (DES) stands as a beacon of artistic excellence and cultural vibrancy in Singapore’s dance scene. Founded in 2004, DES has continuously pushed the boundaries of dance innovation while celebrating the rich tapestry of Singapore’s diverse cultural heritage.

As a premier dance company, DES is renowned for its captivating performances that seamlessly blend traditional and contemporary dance forms. Led by a team of visionary choreographers, directors, and dancers, DES showcases the immense talent and creativity within Singapore’s dance community.

Dance Ensemble Singapore (DES) was founded in July 1993 with the aim to present multi-faceted Chinese dances and to spread cultural messages
infused in Chinese arts and culture. Through DES Performing Academy, the company grooms thenext generation of Chinese Arts practitioners by
offering dance and martial arts classes. DES has also taken part in numerous major performances,such as Singapore Arts Festival, ASEAN Dance Festival, National Day parade, and Chingay parades.

The company has also represented Singapore on diverse international cultural exchanges and festivals of varying scales. Dance Ensemble Singapore Ltd is supported by the National Arts Council under the Major Company Scheme for the period from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2025.

2004年, 聚舞坊成立一支专业的舞团-当代艺团, 在聚舞坊当代艺团艺术顾问严众莲,舞蹈顾问卢雪萍带领与指引, 并由当代艺团艺术总监蔡适吉, 舞蹈总监吴燕丹的执行下,秉着“建校养团, 办团扬校“, 努力拓展其舞蹈领域, 创另一个创新与融汇贯通的平台,促成当代艺团走向更专业的表演舞台。当代艺团曾连续六年受邀参加韩国清州国际舞蹈节(2012-2017), 第二届中国新疆国际民族舞(2011)韩国大田艺术节(2013)出访国家包括土耳其、法国、西班牙、纽西兰、中国、台湾、日本、美国、加拿大、德国、韩国、柬埔寨、泰国、澳门、香港和马来西亚等。

近年来,舞团积极推广“南洋舞蹈风格”并在 2014年新加坡国庆日群众大会上被李显龙总理高度赞扬其创意舞蹈风格,对传承本土南洋华族文化的贡献予以肯定,聚舞坊独特的新舞风为南洋华族舞蹈开创新篇章。舞团的另一佳作,《纹传》也在2015年被亚洲新闻台独家报道, 并也于同年被选到韩国舞蹈节表演。